6 May 1943
Passing through - There were big holes in culverts and bridges and little stumps to trip and fall upon all along the distance of miles and miles. It's not roads here in this country, but rough-made tracks through the Jungle; but what the POWs trip on - big holes or stumps in the road are nothing to the Thais or Nips. There were wild animals here also - tigers, etc.
Was glad to get a wash in that swift-flowing, picturesque river as it wound beneath those tall mountains.
We have caught up with some of C and D Force who pioneered this particular area, roads and buildings, campsites, etc. English, Dutch and Australian. About 70 English, some Australians, and over 100 Dutch and Javanese are buried in a rough cemetery in this area of Jungle, 75 miles from Banpong.